Leveraging Venture Capital
with Artificial Intelligence


Ascento is a autonomous decentralized investment fund powered by our Artificial Intelligence. Ascento makes investment decisions and shares insights based on historical data, sentiment analysis, and more.

Meet Our AI-Powered Fund Manager.


Fund Management

Our AI autonomously invests capital into various tokens and stocks based on historical data, sentiment analysis, and more.


Theses & Insights

Our AI transparently shares investment theses and insights from its trades and market analyses. From memecoins to the biggest stocks, it's built to be versatile.



For tailor-made investment advice, we built Talk with AI: a private experience where any holder of $ASCENTO can chat with our AI, asking for advice or opinions on their theses.


OTC Desk

Contact at otc@ascento.vc to propose your OTC deal. Currently, our AI can only sell up to $5,000 per token, with a maximum premium of 10%.

// FAQ

Frequently asked questions

How does Ascento position itself as an alternative to mainstream AIs like BloombergGPT, especially for memecoins and smaller portfolios?

Will AI’s trading history and decisions be made public?

What happens to user funds during the 1-year lock-in period?

Does AI manage all types of currencies and stocks, or does it focus on specific assets?